Website Design

Web Design Meets Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Web design isn’t just about making your web pages look good. Web designers now focus more on user experience (UX) than on creating designs in the traditional sense. This shift in the paradigm has driven web design trends to concepts like conversational user interface, age responsive design, AI-powered bots, and so on.

The idea is to make your web design more personal and interactive while ensuring relevance to your core business. Artificial intelligence (AI) seems to be the buzzword in the industry and for the very same reasons. AI allows you to create tailored websites and conversational interfaces.

Web Design Meets Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) colliding with website design is a classic case of tech meets creativity. AI is gaining momentum in the world of web design, not just in delivering better UX but in helping create websites as well.

AI-driven website builders leverage artificial intelligence to create websites. An AI-powered user interface (UI) uses artificial intelligence to provide enhanced visitor satisfaction. AI-powered bots are enabling businesses to automate communication and offer customized support to users.

So, what is AI? What are these much talked-about AI-driven website builders and AI bots? And given the advancements in artificial intelligence, is AI replacing web designers? Let’s dive into the colliding world of AI and web design and figure out answers to these questions!

What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

Artificial Intelligence is just what the name implies: artificially simulated intelligence. AI refers to intelligence exhibited by machines that are programmed to mimic human action, reasoning, problem-solving, rational thought and other such characteristics of human intelligence.

AI-Powered Web Design

AI-Powered Website Builders

Companies like The Grid and Wix claim to unify the creative world with advanced AI technology to design and create websites. They offer AI-powered tools that “learn” from your business content and automate the process of designing.

AI-powered website builders use techniques to analyze your content. Consequently, through an advanced AI bot, they can build your website, learning from your feedback.

The Grid calls their AI bot, Molly who claims that she will help you create a stunning website in less than few minutes. In 2016, Wix introduced their algorithm, Wix ADI (Artificial Design Intelligence) that anyone can use to create a website instantly. Answer a few questions about your business, the ADI algorithm learns from your content and creates a tailored website.

Machine Learning For Web Design

Software companies are investing in developing tools that use machine learning and artificial intelligence to automate web design. Adobe’s new platform Sensei aims at marrying machine learning with graphic design. Instead of a designer creating layouts, colors and sizes, the software will analyze user input and recommend design elements.

Is AI Replacing Web Designers?

Creativity is not very easy to be artificially simulated. Hence, these machine learning techniques are not going to replace web designers, at least not yet! But they are going to influence how web designers think and how businesses build websites.

It is less likely that AI will completely replace web designers in creating websites. However, we are going to find more artificial intelligence aspects like AI-powered UI and bots incorporated in web design.

AI-Powered User Interface (UI)

AI-powered UI is a user interface that incorporates some level of artificial intelligence. It has the intelligence factor to recognize the visitor’s usage patterns. Therefore, AI-powered UI can create few subtle changes to the interface based on this information. Over a period, these seemingly minor changes will have an aggregate effect and enhance user satisfaction.

AI-Powered Bots

In software terms, a “bot” is a piece of code performing an automated task. A chatbot is a piece of software carrying out a conversational task. Chatbots (also referred to as Artificial Conversational Entity) can converse like a human, through textual or auditory ways.

Chatbots are of three types:

  • Scripted Bots
  • AI Bots
  • Agent-Assisted AI Bot

Scripted bots carry out a conversation based on an entirely pre-programmed script, while an AI bot handles all requests of the user to the extent that the user cannot tell if they are talking to a human or not.

A truly intelligent AI bot is still not feasible, and there are several milestones ahead! A viable approach now is an agent-assisted AI bot. The AI bot tries to fulfill the user’s requests, but when it doesn’t know how to handle, a human takes over.

These chatbots powered by AI can’t just replace humans altogether (yet!). But, they never sleep, don’t make you wait, don’t get frustrated and also offer solutions! Naturally, they have found their place in the evolutionary world of web design where customer experience is the key driving factor now.

What Does The Future Look Like For AI + Web Design

This union of web design and artificial intelligence is here to stay. But if AI is not entirely viable, how? Simply because it eliminates a lot of tedious work and allows businesses to focus on important aspects. There are still several years ahead for the web to be full of AI-built websites, AI-powered UI and AI bots, but we’re definitely getting a glimpse of our intelligent future today.

Vinu Saseedaran Renish

Content Creator

Vinu is a Tech Enthusiast and Content Writer at DayDigital, driven by her passion for technology and writing. A Computer Science Engineer by qualification and a Red Hat alumnus, she is inspired by her inclination to learn something new, to be a beginner, to gain new insights and to grow every day. You can connect with her on her Twitter handle @VinuSRenish.

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